Monday, February 20, 2012

The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric

Teodora has been long anticipating her trip to Venice, a place where she feels she belongs. She has come from Naples with her adoptive parents, and is eager for an enchanting vacation in the little city. Teo is touring a charming old-fashioned Venetian bookshop when one of its volumes falls on her head. Venice turns out to be more than meets the eye as Teo begins to unlock centuries-old secrets that have led the ancient city into perilous danger.
I liked this book! It' s a little slow to take off, but once it does, it's an interesting story that ties into Venice s history and gives it a magical twist. If you 're someone who likes details to be perfect, parts of this story might bother you: The characters often accept undeniably magical and impossible situations and don 't question it. Personally, I didn' t mind and still found this story to be a satisfying read that taught me a little about Venice and told a good story at the same time. The young heroine in this tale will charm readers of all ages. An overall good read!

Reviewer Age:12
Reviewer City, State and Country: Tigard, OR USA