Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lawn Boy Returns By, Gary Paulsen

In this book Lawn Boy continues his lawn business. Then a shady character named Zed shows up. After that Joey Pow, the boxer Lawn Boy sponsors, wins a fight he wasn't supposed to and then they have to fight off these guys who plan to really mess things up. So once they stop them Zed steals lots of food from Lawn Boy's house and leaves. After all of this Lawn Boy decides to move up north and quit the lawn business. Then the story is set-up so that there can be a sequel and the story is over.

I like how in this book it flows very smoothly from the last. I like how his friends come back and they help him out. I like the new character Zed. I really like the ending how Lawn Boy moves up north and gets an ice-cream maker. It sets the book up for another sequel.

Reviewer Age:12
Reviewer City, State and Country: Mineola, Texas United States