Negi Springfield is a ten-year-old boy wizard who just graduated from magic school in England. This boy prodigy is given the confusing, mundane challenge of teaching English for an all-girls school in Japan. The only rule that Negi is not allowed to break is that he cannot use magic. However, when one of his students is supposedly attacked by a vampire, Negi must save his class and defeat the vampire, without alerting the girls to the fact that he is a wizard!
I thought this manga was extremely interesting and entertaining. The plot line was one that I thought that I had read about multiple times, yet the author was able to put a spin on the vampires and magic idea. I believe that the characters could be real life people and some of the situations could be ones that normal people could be placed into. I thought that the humor placed throughout the story balanced out the action and the seriousness that is in the novel. I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys manga or a well-written tale about a boy wizard.
Reviewer Age:15
Reviewer City, State and Country: Pottstown, PA United States