The Rise of Lubchenko by Michael Simmons tells the story of an average teenage guy, Evan Macalister. One day, he receives a call regarding strains of the smallpox virus. As far as Evan knows, his father's business partner plans on releasing these to terrorists. Evan must team up with friends Ruben and Erika to save his father's life, not to mention the world as he knows it. All the while, Evan must balance this action-packed part of his life with the need to pass classes so he can avoid being sent to a military academy.
Simmons's book resembles the Alex Rider and Maximum Ride series with a touch of James Bond. Therefore, The Rise of Lubchenko would certainly appeal to teenage boys who typically cannot bring themselves to read. However, even as a female, I enjoyed reading The Rise of Lubchenko and would have to say it surpasses the first in the series. As well, this is a novel that is particularly interesting due to today's political atmosphere. Anyone with an interest in international affairs or espionage would also likely enjoy this book.
Reviewer Age:18
Reviewer City, State and Country: Farmington, CT USA