After being bumped into at the bus stop, Al, a high school student, finds a mysterious flash drive in his pocket. Al goes to John, the smartest kid in school, to discover what's on the flash drive. After being in a bus crash and caught in gun fire, Al's simple life has turned chaotic. The safety of the United States is at risk. Al must somehow avoid the terrorist chasing him and return the vital information to the FBI.
Al's World is a quick easy read. It has a lot of unexpected twists and turns. I wish the author would have expanded on the plot and made it a longer book. In other books I've read, the teenager is related to a knight or a spy so they're destined for adventure. However, in Al's case he's just your everyday kid who winds up in a crazy situation.
Content: A knee injury was bloody and there was some shooting.
Rating (0 - 10 scale): 7
Reviewer Age: 13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Hamilton, OH USA