Monday, June 08, 2009

Dessert First by Hallie Durand

Dessert First by Hallie Durand is a pleasant little book for young readers. The main character Dessert starts third grade, and her new teacher tells the class to march to the beat of their own drum. Dessert interprets this to mean that she should do whatever she wants (i.e., eat dessert before dinner at home). Drama ensues in her family with this, and Dessert ends up eating a special dish her mother made for a birthday party. To make up for this, Dessert does something very special that teaches readers a valuable lesson.

This book is great for little eyes. The thin book has large print, and it is not at all intimidating. Additionally, the black and white illustrations hold the reader's interest with great detail and often facetious depictions. Interestingly, Durand makes the text larger when characters are being loud and smaller when they are being quiet. This is unique and especially beneficial to young readers because it encompasses the full scope of the story's scenarios.

Reviewer Age:18
Reviewer City, State and Country: Staten Island, NY USA