Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alvin Ho by Lenore Look

This is a funny book about Alvin Ho, a second grader, who is afraid of everything. When his father suggests going on a camping trip, Alvin is terrified. He asks his brother, Calvin to help him be less afraid. Calvin orders special camping equipment, including night vision goggles. The camping trip was filled with some unexpected moments and Alvin learned to overcome his fears. In the end, he actually enjoyed it.

I liked this book because it is the funniest book I have ever read. Alvin met a friend while he was camping and they pretended to be superheros. His sister, who was usually annoying, was a big help on the trip. The best part was that Alvin faced his fears while having fun. If you like to laugh and like adventure, you will love this book.

Reviewer Age:10

Reviewer City, State and Country: Baltimore, MD USA