Sunday, January 01, 2012

Trance by Kelly Meding

Trance is a generally enjoyable book about a girl named Theresa, who inherits superhero powers and is fighting an invisible threat, a supervillan on the loose. Meanwhile she has to figure out her feelings for an old friend, who she has just been reunited with. Teresa is trying to figure out where her place is in her world. After she has been bouncing from one dead end job to another, and getting into a fair amount of trouble. It takes place in Los Angeles, California.
I think this book was interesting, especially since it's mostly action, with some romance. But, the beginning was a little confusing. At first I thought it was a sequel! There were too many new characters, while there was a lot of action, so it was a little to much to grasp all at once.  But after the first chapter, I  couldn't wait to finish the book. Once I got to the end, I was plesantly suprised by the way things turned out. Also I think the book needed a little mire humor, it seemed a little dull at times, and some humor would spice it up. The characters seemed well- rounded. But, a warning, this book has some sexual content. All in all I liked this book, and would reccomend it to others.
There is a sex scene in this book
Reviewer Age:14
Reviewer City, State and Country: Sandy, Oregon United States