DeeDee Dandrudge is your average teenager. She wants to win the National Gymnastic Tournament and beat her enemy Nicole who is also dating her crush, the high school quarterback. She has a best friend named Jason who is the ultimate comic book nerd and has a single mom. But when she realizes she has strange powers similar to a comic book superhero named SkyBoy her world turns upside down. She is introduced to villains of SkyBoy who for some reason want to steal her gymnastics trophy and to find SkyBoy. DeeDee must somehow live two lives as DeeDee the gymnast and regular girl and SkyGirl.
Reading this book was hilarious. Considering this book was probably made for kids younger than me I loved it. Some of the villains' conversations with each other in the beginning were great because it sounds just like if it was an actual television show or was actually happening. Even if some of the conversations were just he said she said type of stuff it was still a page turner where you wanted to know what was happening in the next chapter. One of the more annoying things was that the character of Jason doesn't like to use contractions so instead of saying could've or can't he would say could have or cannot. Otherwise it was great to read and I can't wait for the sequel and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone.
Reviewer Age:14
Reviewer City, State and Country: Loves Park, Illinois United States