Saturday, May 03, 2008

Throwing Like A Girl by Weezie Kerr Mackey

Ella Kessler moves to Dallas, Texas in the middle of her sophomore year. She expects bland people, country music, and country accents, but she finds more than that. She finds out she has great athletic ability and tries out for the softball team. She makes it but never understands what is going on in the game. On the team, she meets two girls named Mo and Frannie who becime her good friends. Then she meets Sally Fontineau who becomes her enemy. Sally's brother, Nate, is Ella's partner in a marriage project and she tries to avoid girls’ evil looks, and go on with high school with out making any mistakes. She can't keep letting people fight her battles and she has to learn to stick up for herself.

This book was the best. There are several parts in the book when I could not put it down. It also describes in detail how to throw a softball and how to play the game of softball and of life. This is the perfect book for athletes or teens.

Reviewer Age:12
Reviewer City, State and Country: Norristown, Pennsylvania USA