Monday, October 25, 2010

The Magickers Chronicles: Volume Two by, Emily Drake

Jason Adrian faces many things. First, it's the normal stuff like starting high school and soccer games. Then, it's the strange stuff like fighting the Dark Hand, protecting his friends, and dealing with bloodthirsty wolfjackles. As if his life wasn't hard enough, he has to find the last Gate to anchor a save haven for the Magickers. Find out what happens in The Dragon Guard and The Gate of Bones.

The last two books of the Magickers series were great. There was plenty of action in the classic battle between good and evil. Every event was so epic that I couldn't put it down. But it seems to drop off at one point, other than that this book was flawless. Everyone would love this book, especially Harry Potter fans.

Reviewer Age:13

Reviewer City, State and Country: Mineola, Texas America