This book had a great main storyline and included some very good ideas, however I did not like the author's writing style. There was WAY too much description about insignificant things and not enough movement along the storyline. The author should have emphasized the danger and suspense involved in Gordo's mission to make the story more interesting and make the reader want to find out what happens next. The book was also written in third person which many people (including me) do not like. Third person is not necessarily a bad thing, but it means that the author has to work harder to connect the reader to the story. In this case, it detracted from the story instead of adding to it.
There's one more thing I would like to add. Everything seemed to play out perfectly for the main characters. In my opinion, it would make the conclusion more rewarding if the author included some trial and error in their actions.
Don't get me wrong, this wasn't a bad book. I just think it needs some more revising before being published. Many authors rewrite their entire novels several times before it is even ready to be edited.
Reviewer Age:15
Reviewer City, State and Country: Osseo, Wisconsin United States