This book is about the history and basics of pop culture. Also, it serves as a guide for aspiring artists who want to publish magazines and books, make movies, music or radio shows, or create a website or blog. This book focuses a lot on independent (indie) pop culture and its history as well. At the end of each segment, there are resources for further information on each subject of pop culture. Recommended books, do-it-yourself activities, and internet searches give the reader more knowledge to make that perfect work of art.
This book is a must-have for anyone who wishes to be involved in the media or have their work distributed in the community. The book lists numerous outside resources to perfect your "zine" or to make your movie a hit. The book also features interviews from independent pop culture icons so you can see first hand that you are traveling the same path they did early in their careers. You learn a lot about how the media industry operates, and it helps readers understand the motives and decision making behind the content we see everyday. Step-by-step approaches and case stories from the pop culture world provide readers with in-depth knowledge about making your impact and further understanding pop culture. This is a great book for future pop culture phenomenons.
Reviewer Age:17
Reviewer City, State and Country: Eden Prairie, Minnesota United States