Linus Hoppe is a student currently living in Realm One. After he takes the exam by the Great Processor that decides which realm he will be in, he swaps scores with his friend, Yosh. He thought it would be fun living in Realm Two, but he is treated terribly and cannot see his friends anymore. When a girl named Toscane comes to talk to him, he is forced into hiding. With the help of a few of his friends, he must try to stop the Great Processor and all the exams to creat one big realm.
I thought that The Second Life of Linus Hoppe was put together very well. The characters all had there own importance and skill in the book when it was needed most. Sometimes it was hard to understand the book. That was mainly at the beginning of the book when they were introducing all the realms and characters though. What I thought was one of the best aspects of the book was that at first it told three storys that didn't mean anything but toward the end everything tied in well. I recommend this book for anyone who wants a good sci-fi book or even an adventure book to read.
Rating (0 - 10 scale): 9
Reviewer Age: 13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Chambersburg, Pennsylvania United States