Alice, a fifteen year old living in Maryland, only has a couple of goals in mind for her near future: getting a date to the Jack of Hearts dance because she and Patrick broke up; going to New York with her friends on their school trip; and getting her driver's license when she turns sixteen. When Sam Mayer, a photographer on the school newspaper with her, asks Alice out, she finds him perfect. Everything goes well with her and her best friends Elizabeth, Pamela, and Gwen until their trip to New York. More of their problems surface and changes are realized. All this takes place in front of a backdrop of her church class "Our Whole Lives" that her Dad signed her up for. Although she dreads going to it in the beginning, she looks forward to it and realizes its importance towards the end.
Like many books written for teenagers today, Phyllis Naylor's Alice on Her Way portrays a teenage girl trying to get along in the world. Naylor's laid back style of writing makes the book relatively quick read. Although this book is not really original in its plot and approach to teen-agers, there is a lot of positive in it. I doubt Alice will make it to the top of the best-seller lists but it is a fun read. Alice can be compared to Meg Cabot's Mia but it is a lot faster paced and Naylor takes a totally different approach to presenting her plot. Overall, Alice on Her Way is worth reading in some spare time.
Rating (0 - 10 scale): 5
Reviewer Age: 17
Reviewer City, State and Country: Kansas City, Missouri USA