Sunday, December 25, 2011

Trapped by Marc Aronson

Trapped by Mark Anderson is a great book about "how the world rescued 33 miners from 2,000 feet below the Chilean Desert." It's a non-fiction book that shows what happened when a mine caved in. All the miners were fortunate enough to live, none died. It really helped their survival skills and showed how stressful it can be to get miners out when they are stuck underground. It also shows all of the support you get while trapped.
Trapped by Mark Anderson is a great book. When I first looked at and got the book I didn't realize it was a true story, it just sounded like a good book. When i received the book and told my parents about it my dad said "they made a book out of that already?" and he told me that it happened last year. Then I felt bad because I don't remember hearing or knowing anything about this event. It turned out to be a very good book. It shows all about how stressful it is to get the miners out and how many people care for you and want/try to help. It was a good life lesson book and very interesting too.

Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Sandy, Oregon U.S.A