Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Global Book Sales Statistics January 26, 2023 by Dimitrije Curcic


According to the latest statistics, the countries with the highest book sales are the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. These three countries alone contribute to over 72% of the total global book sales, with over 2.2 billion books sold each year. This is not surprising, considering the large population and strong economies of these countries.

In terms of revenue, the global trade book sales revenue is estimated to be $78.07 billion as of 2023, which is a 2.53% increase over 2022. However, it's worth noting that global trade book sales in 2022 were actually down 10.11% compared to 2021, with a revenue of $76.14 billion. This was the lowest global trade book revenue over the last 5 years, even lower than the pandemic-impacted 2020.

During the pandemic, global book sales dropped by 7.64% to below $80 billion for the first time in at least 3 years. Unfortunately, the trend of declining book sales has continued over the years, with an average annual growth of -0.96% since 2017. This decline has resulted in a drop from $82.83 billion to $78.07 billion in just 6 years.

However, there is some hope for the future. According to projections, global book sales are expected to reach $82.7 billion in 2027, with an average annual growth of 1.48% over the next 5 years. While this is still below the 2017 levels, by $130 million, it's a promising sign that the industry may be on the upswing.

In conclusion, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China are the leading countries in terms of book sales, with the global trade book sales revenue expected to reach $82.7 billion in 2027. While the industry has experienced a decline in recent years, the projections suggest that it may be on the path to recovery.