This book falls under an adventure category, although the plot is tremendously lackluster. Anita and Benson, who are time-travelers, are the main characters. They are asked to journey back into time to learn about climate change. The beginning draws readers in, but leaves them disappointed once the middle is reached. More excitement and cliff-hangers should have been added into this book in order for it to be not dull and dreary. The illustrations are a wonderful addition to The Confounding Case of the Climate Crisis and add a sense of reality. Once the climax occurs, the plot begins to make sense. Unfortunately, this particular book is opinionated and tries to sway the reader to believe what the story is founded on. This book requires readers to understand complex scientific terms and is intended for 11-13 year olds. The Confounding Case of the Climate Crisis is a unexciting book that one should avoid unless climate change research is required or this topic is of interest.