Sunday, July 07, 2013

A new student review of Emily and Jackson: Hiding Out by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

glambert posted a new student review of Emily and Jackson: Hiding Out by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. See the full review.

I’m so glad that Phyllis Reynolds Naylor wrote this book along with Emily’s Fortune because it was such an exciting adventure that kept my nerves up!  I love how she leaves the reader hanging at the end of every chapter.  If I could be any character in that book, I would choose Emily because she gets trapped many times with her uncle but always seems to end up safe with Aunt Hilda.  I was very surprised and a little worried for Emily and Jackson when the widow woman turned into someone unexpected! 


My favorite part of the book was when Emily and Jackson were on the boat and had to keep running around and hiding from Emily’s uncle.  What will happen next with Emily and Jackson?