Warriors of Change, by Tina Brescanu is about four teenagers trying to make a change in the world. They are Milla and Torsten, the Irish siblings, Sky, the new kid in school, and Sunny, the angel. In their lives, taxpaying adults get to do anything they want, while their kids go to school or prison as the teenagers describe it. The students have to endure mean teachers, physical punishment, bullies, and a lot of negativity. They go on a journey to save children everywhere from the schools and try to find freedom.
I would rate this book a 3 out of 10 because it was boring and difficult to follow. Also, there were a lot of random ideas in this story. There were ghosts, angels, kids with super powers, traveling to other planets, and other lives the characters have lived. There were just WAY too many ideas to understand! I was bored when reading this book and couldn't follow most of it. In the middle of the story there were a few chapters that were just a lot of life lessons crammed into paragraphs that had nothing to do with the story.
Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Kansas City, Kansas United States