Thursday, November 18, 2010

Justin Bieber by Justin Bieber

This book essentially tells the story of how Justin Bieber made his claim to fame. It starts off with his life and family and progresses to when he started singing publically. The book then goes into the story of how Bieber bonded with his manager, recorded his first songs / albums, met celebrities, and became a star. Included are tweets from Bieber that were posted online with date and time cited. His personality is revealed as he talks about pranks and the fragile state of his parents' relationship. The font is large, and there are many pictures. The book cover serves as a poster when turned inside-out, too.

I wanted to see what all the fuss was with the so called "Bieber-Fever." Truth be told, I was expecting some obviously ghostwritten tale of how some pretty boy is fantastic. Surprisingly, I did not get that, and I really enjoyed Bieber's book. His voice is clear in the prose, and sincerity leaks from the pages. Also, I was impressed with how he acknowledges that his success comes from God. Sure, he's not perfect (he's a little girl-crazy and one of his photos has him singing shirtless while grabbing his--um, er--manhood). Still, the book is not overtly offensive, and through all the stardom, readers can hear the tale of a real boy.

Reviewer Age:19
Reviewer City, State and Country: Troy, NY USA