The history of America is plagued with sightings and incidents with the beyond. Haunting of America depicts real-life events with ghosts, spirits, and demons from the time of the Salem Witch Trials to the early half of the 20th century. From George Washingtons famous discussion with an angel during the Revolutionary War to the Fox Sisters incidents with spirit knocks, the novel draws the reader in and does not disappoint. The novel also discusses spiritualism in the past and present; how spiritualism began, how it affected society in the past, and how it grew to become a rather popular belief.
Personally, I enjoyed the novel. Even though it is nonfiction, the authors' make the storyline and events rather interesting; instead of writing like a textbook, the authors included personal accounts of the incidents from those who experienced them and a detailed depiction of the event. I loved the fact that the authors touch on spiritualism as well as "ghost stories", which sets this book apart from others of this kind. I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys a great page-turner and who enjoy spooky stories that happen to be true. Additionally, anyone who enjoys going in-depth about history would find this novel interesting.
Reviewer Age:16
Reviewer City, State and Country: Pottstown, PA United States