Lost and confused a twelve year old girl is chased by hunting dogs and found by a man. The man takes her to a village nearby and tries to figure out her identity. Nobody in the village knows who she is, or where she came from. Worst of all, the girl,herself, doesn't even know! A weary mother assumes the confused girl is her long lost daughter, so the girl is told she is Isabelle. Is she really Isabelle? If she isn't, then who is she?
I thought this book was well written and very interesting. Everything leading up to the end, made me fly through the pages. It kept my interest the whole time and got me wanting to know what would occur.I liked how it ended, although I wish it could have continued. Altogether, it was a good book, just too short for my liking.
Reviewer Age:15
Reviewer City, State and Country: Carlisle, PA United States