Overall, The Rhyme Killers is a well written and a mind-capturing book. The authors, Judy Gooden and Naomi Helterbran, developed the characters so no one was boring. I think a mistrusting and evil mood developed as the plot was set in motion, which was totally appropriate based on the malevolent characteristics of the characters. The killers were given an unfavorable aura which made you want them captured by the desperate police. These characters were the master piece of the book, and they added extra spice to the novel. The only unfavorable aspect of this book was the constant high level of profanity. At first, this profanity seemed totally unnecessary, but I later realized that it shaped the characters and gave them one aspect of true killers.
I think the authors succeeded in displaying the unfolding trauma in a desperate light, but I did not feel as if the writing flowed. I almost felt as if the story jumped from one scene to another too quickly and suddenly. The profanity, as I mentioned earlier, was unnecessary in some parts of the novel. Despite this, The Rhyme Killers plot was definitely well thought out and intricate, and the content of the book shows this. The Rhyme Killers was very different from many other science fiction books that I have read, in that it had a high level of violence and cruelty. Altogether, The Rhyme Killers was a very interesting book. However, even though there is some degree of suspense in the book, I think the author could have infused more. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read an out-of-the-ordinary novel.
There is not only profanity, but also some of the things the characters do are for mature readers.
Reviewer Age:11
Reviewer City, State and Country: Baltimore, Maryland United States of America