The Dragons of Babel is about Will, a young boy with responsibilities thrust upon him. Adopted by his Aunt as a young child, Will never knew his true identity. He was disowned by his village for events beyond his control, and thrown out into a world in which war is raging. Along the way, he encounters Esme, a girl with knowledge beyond her years, and Nat, a trickster who knows more about Will than Will does himself. Taken to Babel as a refugee from the war, Will will discover more and more about himself, fighting imaginary wars and dealing with bureaucrats, while the city's people await a new king to fill the throne. Will deals with staying alive and free, but all the while events are being put into motion behind his back. Falling in love with bureaucrats and making enemies with others, will Will be able to save himself from his fate? Will he find his true identity, and if he does, will he accept it? Read The Dragons of Babel to find out.
The Dragons of Babel is a fascinating story of adventure and romance. With dynamic characters and unique (if not strange) beings, it is a great read cover to cover. From the hardened soldiers down to sweet Esme, and from the trickster Nat to the bureaucrats of Babel, each character is unique. I would recommend this book to any fan of fantasy or adventure stories. The Dragons of Babel receives a nine out of ten from me.
Some sexual references, language
Rating: 9
Reviewer Age:14
Reviewer City, State and Country: Chambersburg, PA USA