This coming of age story follows the adventures of Nebi, an Egyptian boy. He is in the employment of Setka, an important official of the King Piankhy. When Setka is ambushed by a traitorous count, Nebi is the only witness alive. Nebi braves the desert to reveal the count's actions, and to deliver an important message. Nebi gets caught up in King Piankhy's battle to reunite Egypt against foreign invaders. He meets many influential people, such as the king himself, and gets many good friends, as Nebi struggles to be reunited with his family, and get revenge for Setka.
This book is a wonderful historical fiction novel. The action is fast-paced and exciting, with intriguing characters. The ancient Egyptian setting is very well detailed, and feels lifelike. The book is a great way to learn about ancient Egyptian customs and history, while still having fun. I learned more about ancient Egypt from this book than I ever learned in a history class.
Rating (0 - 10 scale): 9
Reviewer Age: 14
Reviewer City, State and Country: Urbana , Illinois USA