Friday, June 23, 2006

Gossip Girl: Only In Your Dreams by Cecily Von Ziegesar

As Only in Your Dreams opens, Blair is in London, unsuccessfully trying to get the attention of he boyfriend, Lord Marcus. When she fails to get him to notice her, she immediately leaves London, taking back with her a large bill. When her mother finds out, she is angry and makes Blair get a job. As Bailey Winter’s new assistant, she gets to work onset of the new movie Breakfast at Fred’s, where she comes across Serena. Serena is trying to make it as an actress, but soon finds that it is not her calling. But she comes through in the end. All the while, she was crushing on her hot co-star, Thad, until she finds out something about him that comes as a shock. Bailey Winter wants to keep Serena and Blair on to work for him over the summer at his house in the Hamptons, where his estate just happens to be next door to the Archibals. Nate, meanwhile, is in the Hamptons working for his coach after pulling a prank. Also, Dan and Vanessa are living together, and Dan hopes that this will bring the two closer together. When Dan meets Bree, everything changes.

I thought the newest edition of Gossip Girl was good. It started off a little slow for me in the beginning, but once I got further into the story, I couldn’t put it down. With the ending, I can’t wait till the next one comes out. I have a feeling that there will be another juicy storyline with Blair and Nate, who are my favorite characters. All the other storylines were pretty interesting as well. Gossip Girl does not fail to meet expectations once again. I really can’t imagine this series ending.

Rating (0 - 10 scale): 8
Reviewer Age: 19
Reviewer City, State and Country: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA