Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Ugly Tree by Tamara Lyon

In The Ugly Tree, by Tamara Lyon, the protagonist’s world is ripped apart the day she is born. Cane Kallevik is the sole survivor of a car crash that killed her father, mother, and her unborn twin. On one of the early summer days before she turns sixteen, she meets Justice Schaeffer who unknowingly saves her life that night. When the worst twister in history rips through Cane’s small town, it threatens to take away the rest of her world. Her only living relative, and her sole caregiver, Grandma Betty, is knocked unconscious and remains in a coma for months. When Cane’s only option is to move into the Schaeffer house, she learns hard lessons about life and love that help her grow as a person.

The Ugly Tree is one of the most interesting books I have read in a long time. It has an intriguing and original plot line. A reader will easily relate to Cane’s feelings for Justice. It perfectly describes a teenage girl meeting her first love. Her questions about life and why she was the only survivor of the car crash gets the reader thinking about why things happen for any particular reason. Cane’s character seems to be a little advanced for her age in the way she thinks, but most of the time she seems like any other ordinary teen age girl.

I rated this book a “3” because it does have some intense sections involving Cane and Justice together, and there is also some language that should be for older people only. The other reason is because there is some faith in it, but it isn't completely based on faith.

Reviewer Age:14
Reviewer City, State and Country: Makanda, Illinois USA