Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Friskative Dog by Susan Straight

Sharron is fourth grader who is in love with a stuffed dog named Friskitive. This is the dog her daddy gave her when she was in first grade. Her daddy is a SWIFT trucker and goes on lots of runs. One day, he goes on a run to Alabama and doesn’t come back. A year later, his daughter is still upset, and still in love with her dog as the present fourth grader. Everyone makes fun of Sharron for thinking this dog is real. One day, her dog goes missing, just like her father.

This was an awesome book. Definitely an easy read for advanced readers. It is about the struggle of a little girl through her time of need, facing things, she shouldn’t have to face. It was very sad when Sharron lost Friskitive, and threatened to make me cry. I hope everyone finds it as moving as I did.

Rating (0 - 10 scale): 7

Reviewer Age: 13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Shippensburg, USA