Saturday, May 28, 2016

A new student review of Fighters, Feared and Fallen by N.D. Richman

nictaf posted a new student review of Fighters, Feared and Fallen by N.D. Richman. See the full review.

N. D. Richman is back with a thrilling new addition to the Boulton Quest series! This series is getting more action-packed with every book! The characters are very well described; I was rooting for Thomas throughout this book.


I like that N. D. Richman took this book to a new level by changing the setting to a futuristic one. This third book adopted a more sci-fi-like feeling. Because it is the third in the series, and follows the stories of three main characters, it is not a stand-alone book. This series is so addicting; with every addition you can't wait for the next book, because each one leaves you hanging! I would recommend this book for ages 12 and up.